LADDER LIFTER System’s cushioned hand (knuckles) guidance feature.


System Features

Lift & Guidance System for A-Frame Ladders

“TRAVELING ZONE FEATURE” that contains a 36-inch diameter area for both A-Frame Ladder and user (together) transport in any application. Easy ladder maneuverability through narrow ingress/egress areas.

​​​​​GRAPHIC 7


LADDER LIFTER System’s cushioned shoulder feature with warning label.


  • Installation is easily completed on an A-Frame Ladder of any age, including 6, 7, 8 and 10-foot heights. GRAPHIC 9

  • System is securely installed on A-Frame Ladders so they may be transported on the exterior and/or interior of a vehicle. GRAPHIC 10

LADDER LIFTER System shown installed on
​6-foot, 7-foot and 8-foot A-Frame Ladders.
​(10-foot A-Frame Ladder not shown)

"ROCKING FEATURE” designed for:


A-Frame Ladders are securely installed with the LADDER LIFTER System for transport in (not shown) or on any vehicle.

A) Easy ladder transport up and down inclines (including stairs).

B) Passage through low door openings and transport in low ceiling areas (not shown).

The design of the unique LADDER LIFTER LIFT & GUIDANCE SYSTEM incorporates a number of features for A-Frame Ladder utilization:

  • ​Cushioned shoulder lift. GRAPHIC 5

  • Cushioned hand guide. GRAPHIC 6

  • “Rocking” design that allows A-Frame Ladders to be easily transported up and down inclines and stairs. Longer A-Frame Ladders can be easily “rocked” for transport through low door frames and in low ceiling areas. GRAPHIC 7 

  • 36-inch “traveling zone” for the ladder and it's user allows for quick maneuverability from workstation to workstation often through close, congested quarters, thus favorably impacting levels of productivity. GRAPHIC 8